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if u need to ask smt to the devs try on discord. The chances of them responding on itch are almost none. But who know 🫤

they talk to me more here than on discord lol

ok lmao


lol i wanna ask to get unbanned to join Discord Narrow one.

Some Losers are the reason of my ban.

Oh ._.
what did they do

Don't believe this guy, he's one of the biggest trouble makers on the server. Pretty much right next to Mindless and Arrow.

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The only reason I get ban is your lose on 1vs1 😂 

More like you would only 1v1 on the maps you preferred, coward!

i beat you also 3times and on your map too 😂 so stupid 

Bren, when was that?


Ninja, this doesn't make you look any better.

ok , and u aren’t better

You're telling all of itch you're just being a prick about it.

ye I know. SW was meant to be « funny » but he f*cking fake everyone non-stop to the point of uchiha having 1/3chance of beeing the real one. I banned him from SW but I doubt this will change anything

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you also have a big mouth. since I met you on narrow one as guest but after your lose in 1vs1 you closed it but now after you get an account you try to be stupid. Also I start to Fake Uchiha but you did same thing and you thought that SW is faking and nobody need your clan. It’s ok for uchiha because I faked her. but you start faking everyone after you saw me faking uchiha. Get lost ignorant fool! 

what? Bro I never changed anything about 1v1. I know Im bad and I accept it. Also i dont remember if its because of you that I made SW even though I dont think. But yeah ur just someone who make trouble I guess.

Also what is that:" Get lost ignorant fool" ._. Now u speak like a ledne ring boss

Ok idoit

"Ok idoit." 


bruh just stop howling look how u are angry