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So, for the question 4x = (16 ÷ (30 + 2)), the correct answer as written based on the normal usage of those symbols in the US is 1/8 (AKA 0.125). I've heard of the "÷" being used for a different meaning in other countries, but I'm not sure what usage would result in the answer that the game just told me is correct. For example, if it meant the left number on the bottom, that would give the answer 1/2. I was able to answer correctly, but only by trying to think of how someone might screw up that problem.

By any chance, did you mean to put x/4 = (16 ÷ (30 + 2)?


I did - I've already noticed this mistake and it'll be fixed in the upcoming update 1.1.0. 

For now, X=2 is the answer Kasu accepts. Sorry! :)