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A member registered Jun 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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We'll see how we get on - Sel's update schedule is hard to compete with 😳

Thanks for the kind words though, appreciate it! :))

teehee ;)

Taken inspiration form LiL - strangely enough never heard of Sensei Overnight until I released the game.. o_o

I like the phrase there! More is on the way, will keep updated when I can on future stuff :))

Ah - I'm assuming the hover system won't work for mobile - don't test it myself so wasn't aware of the issue.

Here's a list of all the events you have to complete:

  • Saori - Tether
  • Ami - Buckle
  • Nia - Into Motion
  • Rin - Metamorphosis
  • Natsuki - Good Boy
  • Sakura - So, This is Me
  • Kirei - Nothing to Feel
  • Yuna - Sisterly Duties
  • Kasu - Two of You
  • Takane - Life-Support

Hope this helps, and will think of a way to show this info in mobile :))

La pista para el evento de Iris está en código hexadecimal, pero te lo haré saber aquí: se decodifica como "No ir a ninguna parte".

¡Espero que ayude! :))

Huh? The game is free to download - I think it comes up with an option to donate when you try - just press 'Take me to the downloads' if you don't fancy it :))

Thanks dude! :))

Heya dude! Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the kind words!

The hint system is designed to be a little out of the way - the intention isn't for the player to be 'spoon-fed' information - but the option to view it is there if one desires. But I do understand the pain of being on mobile, and the mobile version is something I'm hoping to revamp - I'll have a look into some optimisations for lower-end devices when it comes to menus.

For the issue of not being able to invite Ami over - it's most likely because you're running Ver 1.5.0, instead of 1.5.1. Ver 1.5.1 fixed the issue with this event, as it is permanently bugged in 1.5.0 - so I'd recommend updating to see if that solves the issue. Completing that event from Ami (Buckle) will let you continue with the main story :))

As always, new update is being worked on as we speak, thanks again dude! :))

I wish I could create an official Russian translation - but unfortunately I'm not fluent :((

There's a Russian translation that seems pretty reliable, albeit with some minor translation errors (here's the link) - just checked the link and the site seems to be down for maintenance, but maybe give it a go in a couple hours? :))

Appreciate it :))

Thanks dude! <3

Check auto-saves (keep going left in the saves menu)
Wouldn't be that mean intentionally, will add a notification for autosaves after a crash to prevent this :))

Heya dude - appreciate the time you've taken to check the game out. Let me explain a few things that are going on here:

1) The story is in the first person. This means that you are playing as the MC. The option to rename the MC is included for player preference - as some don't like the name chosen.
There's inherently meant to be a disconnect between the MC and his surroundings, hence the character design. This is intentional, and is hinted at and explained throughout the course of the game.

2) Each of the main characters are introduced during the opening hours of the story, yes - however they are very briefly encountered. Only 2 side characters are currently available, and only one of these side characters you come across within the beginning of the game. I'd tend to agree that characters are maybe introduced a little quickly - and the beginning of the game is something I'm hoping to make edits to in the future to bring it up-to-scratch with the more recently developed content.

3) I'm curious to hear some examples of exactly your issue is here, as I'm not sure I fully understand. Is the issue with phrasing certain lines? Is too much dialog presented on each click? Is there descriptive dialog you feel is unnecessary? Feel free to send me a DM via Discord with a little more info on this.

Either way, thanks for checking out the game - and I always appreciate people raising any issues/concerns they may have, to help make the game the best than it can be. Thanks dude! :)

Ei cara! Estou passando por um tradutor agora, sinto muito se não for 100% preciso. Acabei de carregar a versão 1.5.1, que corrige o bug que você encontrou. se você instalar a versão mais recente, poderá visitar a casa de Ami durante a noite :))

(1 edit)

Yes! In the settings, there is an option to change Arvin's name :)

Heya! Sorry you weren't quite hooked - but thanks for giving it a go! I'll be revisiting the opening hours and re-adjusting them a little in the next couple of months, so I'll keep your feedback in mind :))

If you haven't completed Ami E5 (Buckle), this event won't occur yet. Updated the hint for clarification for the next release of the game ;)

(1 edit)

This is an issue with v.1.5.0 - it's been updated in the most recent release (1.5.1), if you download that, and progress to Ami E4 then invite her over it should be fixed :))


Normal sandbox - but not a huge aspect of the game :)

Thanks for letting me know! These will be fixed - ended up rushing Saki's event a little so I'm not surprised a few typos slipped through.

Was that start to end of 1.5.0? Or just 1.5.0 in itself?

Either way, impressive 😂

Heya dude! Unfortunately, I can't translate the game to Chinese, but it might be worth submitting a translation request on a site like f95zone?

I think that's a great idea 😂 A page dedicated to Another World - Any%
Will be on the list ;)

We need to set up a leaderboard 😂

so far, yeah :))

If you've completed all events, you've seen everything there is to see until now :)
Looking back at the tags, there are some that aren't quite in the game as of yet - will update accordingly to not make it misleading.

yeah - it's a new addition from 1.3.0 - makes life a little easier - and the lines below each character on that menu turn a different colour when all events are completed too. Glad I did a whole events screen overhaul, makes it much easier to manage :))

oops - the fact that she can keep the name may be a bug - I'll look into it :))

I've made the name persistent across saves so that when you're re-viewing older events through the menu, the preferred name is updated :))

you may be able to request this through a website like F95zone - I'm not fluent in many other languages so cannot supply translations, but I'm always open to public contributions :))

The game is completely free - however there is the option to support development through Patreon/Subscribestar - and these supporters get early access to the newest updates ahead of the public's release :)

I reckon you could probably get it down further if you used 'Skip To Choices' in the menu - when you turn on skip, it'll jump straight to the next choice. You could get the game done in no time with that ;)

For now though - new world record for Another World any% 😂😂


It's a bit tough to estimate exactly how many hours the game is - but 3 hours to get through it is impressive 😳

Thanks dude! Hope you enjoy it!

I wouldn't expect too much in regards to fetish content (such as expansion, unfortunately), and any included would be quite far down the line. I just want the fact that those sorts of things will be optional to be vary clear if they're ever introduced later on :)

there isn't right now, unfortunately - but I will make sure to have the option to turn this on/off within the next update :))

As of right now, there isn't a way to pause these scenes to view them - they are intentionally designed to be almost unviewable for the most part (such as the static/distorted transitions), or a challenge to view in some case (Saori E1 for example)

I may consider making certain elements pause when you're viewing the event as a replay - but I don't know how much that'd help this issue 🙃)

Glad you're enjoying the game! Always great to hear ☺️

Thanks dude! Keep your eyes peeled, I'm not slowing down 😉

There might be slight height-difference-related stuff but I wouldn't count on it too much I'm afraid :(

Expect a similar level to LiL - only Nia and Hina are confirmed to not be straight - and there shouldn't be many others, if any, more than that :)