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1. You can absolutely just make an attack with an enemy during the GM Turn.

2. Part of the game is that resource management, so I shy away from the idea of starting at being fully restored for each fight. In LIGHT, I write about the idea of including "Wells" which are recharging stations sprinkled throughout a mission, but they are limited in number and effectiveness. You can certainly increase the amount of recovery, but generally I think that takes away from some of the tension of maintaining those resources across a session.

Thanks for the response!

For 2, that’s totally fair. For a non-mission based game, do you think health/energy potions + a “rest when safe” mechanic would feel balanced? Or in your testing have you found keeping it super scarce (e.g. very limited pit stops for restoration) is the best?

My group tends to err toward “low lethality” so I’m not super concerned about people not dying, more just want to make sure I don’t go so far the other way that the resources are essentially meaningless.

It's definitely something you design on a game by game basis, or based on the group! If your group prefers low lethality and they want that maximum badass feeling for every fight, refilling them to full for a fight works great.

Great, thanks for the input! Love your work, looking forward to all the stuff you’re currently cooking up.