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Took a while for me to get into a groove where I was making it to my destination on time, but I did get there! Totally zen! You really seem to have a way with data, and I would love to see you lean into that. UI presentation is also excellent.

Thanks for the feedback, tiimtoon!

You really seem to have a way with data

How do you mean "have a way with data"? I am intrigued  😄


Well, this is just from the two games I have played of yours, but Kelp on Mars had those statistics at the end of the day, and this game has that cool graph on the right with home satisfaction and goals reached. I think what I mean is that I feel your games are unique because of the numbers that you expose to the player that are perhaps usually hidden, or at least not displayed on the primary HUD. Maybe it's more of a vibe thing, but I get the sense that that exposure is something that you enjoy in games! Makes the game feel more technical, but also more cohesive and full as a world imho.

(1 edit) (+1)

Right, thanks for the clarification, I really appreciate the insight! I'll be honest—it's not something I'd consciously considered but I do like giving context to player actions in aggregate. This is mostly inspired by things like morgue files from roguelikes and the somewhat cuter+more succinct summaries you get at the end of Spelunky levels, but also having spent a considerable amount of time in a professional context taking significant quantities of data and making sense of them and the pleasure in that reification.