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Whoa, this is super professionally formatted and laid out! It's legitimately like a book, that's awesome! The story is also very solid throughout, and it creates a unified adventure well. The body falling through the window is an especially powerful start, as is the battle with the quickly-disappearing apparition seeking the coin to be returned. 

I had wondered while I was reading whether the coin actually does anything special, especially if the party defeats the apparition the second time around. I feel like pretty much any character I'd wanna roleplay would be super curious about that and risk battling the apparition to find out. I'm sure that could be added by a GM though anyway :D

- ✨Beth


Thanks for the feedback, and the kind words.

You are totally right about the question regarding what the coin does. Partly due to word allowance, I left this ambiguous and you are right that it does allow for a GM to make their own decision on that front (maybe it is just cursed as it was only special to Zarageth, or maybe it can grant one wish, or maybe it makes the wielder unbeatable in war - who knows.)