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(3 edits)

Hi Hakuen!

Would it be possible to use a variable to set the Auto Actor Face image?

In my game's conversations, I have a 'SpeakerFace Variable', and I change it to =1 for Actor 1 talking, =2 for Actor 2 talking, etc.

I'm currently using this Smart Speaker plugin to take advantage of setting a 'default face' over the 'none' default face, which I learned was possible from a forum post question I made that you answered a while ago  :D

The only problem is, the parameter only allows me to select a face image FILE to replace the default 'none' face.

It doesn't allow me to put a variable there. BUT, if I COULD put a variable there, then set the variable = 1, then it could select face filename "1.png", right? The AutoFace would make the default face image whatever file matched the current variable number!

-Using that logic, I tried typing $gameVariables.value(10) into parameters but sadly it causes a freeze T-T  Maybe I should have used ' '  to convert it into a string or tried \v[10] instead..

Anyway, I hope this makes sense, but just in case I included a picture to explain! It could be a pretty powerful time-saver, I think!

Hi there!

No, it will not work like that. The plugin creates all the preset settings based on the plugin parameter. And, inside game, the code checks if the name matches one of the presets, if it does, it will apply the preset settings into the window.

I can think of two solutions. One is, that you create all the plugin parameter configurations you want. Then, on the name box, you set a variable there, like below:

The other solution, is for you to create a face filename with the name: "\v[ID].png" (without qoutes)

And then, inside my plugin, I would convert that filename variable to see if it matches one of the presets. I believe this could work better for what you want than the first solution.

But the main thing is, for whathever name the variable holds, I believe you still need to have a settings created for that name on the plugin parameter.

Aaah, I see. Looks like making the faceset dynamically change is actually more complicated than I originally thought! Dang!

I guess dealing so much with Show Pictures has spoiled me ;P

I took a look at the 2 possible solutions:

1. Very creative idea! Though, I hate typing in the name box more than I hate manually choosing faces for messages, so I'm afraid this method wouldn't work for me.. T-T

2. Trying this one, it looks like file names can't include '\' symbol. so the file ended up becoming 'v[ID].png', which would break things, I think..


But it's okay! I'm just really happy to have the default blank face image auto-replaced with the main character's face! This remains a fantastic plugin!


In the meantime, I think I've pushed the face shortcuts as much as possible by this point, so now I'll just move on to snagging your new Message Sounds plugin for the next phase of my project xD

Hard to be sure before buying it, but it almost looks like it works together with this Smart Speaker plugin to assign unique 'text sounds' depending on which faceset or name is used. Is that correct? If so, very promising!

About the issue with the filename, I may be able to help you with a little hack in the code! So you could just use V[ID].png and I can put inside code the "\".

Will play with this tomorrow!

And yes, the Smart Speaker and thr Message sound plugin are compatible and they work together as intended! So you could apply message sounds through the Smart Speaker settings!

No pressure, but thank you for considering it!


So I tried re-visting your Solution #1 from the post above, I think that could really useful!

The problem is, I tried following the directions with your screenshot, and I don't think that the parameter recognizes the name that the Variable can be set to...?

I must be doing something wrong ._.

Oh! I guess I know why. I will fix this later and get back here to you!

Hi there!

Released the new version 2.3.0 and implemented the variable feature. 

I put some examples in the help file on how it works! Let me know if helps you! ^^

It's perfect! Everything- name, face, etc all controlled just by 1 change variable event command!

This is such a great plugin! T-T


Have fun :D