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(4 edits) (+1)

Trying out more All Cleric instead of grinding Ironwood Grove to see if there's any point in going beyond LV 12.

I'm seeing the HP Was Restored status for party members that just got deployed? That might make overcoming some flaws easier than they would be otherwise? Since I assume it's the HP counterpart to the MP was Restored from getting splashed with Vis?

Was trying to refight the final boss to see the credits for the character sprites...

Possibly Bigger or about the same level of slight issue is a Movement Prediction Bug in the Final Battle:

7 Move and started at rightmost top left spawn. Can't go further right. ... Nevermind, the blocking object is bigger than I thought.


That "HP Was Restored" thing does seem odd, I'll give it a look later. Thanks for letting me know!

The throne in that screenshot is probably a tileset issue. While it's minor overall, I could give it a look soon.

 (On the subject of Ironwood Grove, skills in it cap out at level 10- you only really get more stats from leveling up.)

(1 edit) (+1)

Good luck! Finally saw the credits again. So, the player party and Eloise were made with the Game Character Hub for MZ? I thought they were from some unique pack since they seem taller than the base characters.

Nevermind, just went to the second credits box. Mack/Looseleaf. Okay.

And I guess any class can overcome Despondent, even if it takes a while, due to some class features being in Potion form for anyone to buy.