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A few bugs I found:

If you quit to menu while there is an oxygen leak in your base, and reload the save, you get the audio for the air leaking, even when far from the base.

Also found that if I quit while there were uncleaned solar panels, then when I reloaded clicking on them would bring up the 'energy generation/ usage menu' instead of cleaning it. (Picking up the solar panels and deploying them again was an easy solution)

Not sure if this is a bug, but when you pick up a water tank with water in it, all the water (/ ice) is lost.

Love the game and I look forwards to future updates!

Thanks! I just got the airleak sound issue fixed! Going to see if I can figure out what's going on with the solar panels next... I've definitely seen that happen at least once before.

As for loosing water when you pickup the supply tanks... that's something I kind of just hadn't really considered. What should probably happen, is that it should try and auto-transfer the water into any other water storage tanks attached to your base - then whatever doesn't fit would just be lost. Not sure I want it to all just get dropped back in the form of ice (or as a whole ton of water bottles)... but I'm open to suggestions! Empty water bottles / buckets that you can fill from it?