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Update: Rails movement is done, as is shooting (with multiple bullet types and object pooling!!)
I also turned off anti-aliasing and made the colours a little bit more saturated. This makes it much more readable - you can tell friendly ships are blue and enemy ships are red very easily! The same colour scheme will be used throughout - e.g. destructible terrain will get a red highlight (because I'm totally going to get far enough to add destructible set pieces LOL).

Next on my list is the cursor! I need to make it nice and consistent with the rest of the style, so we'll see how that goes... After that is player health, enemies that die, a points system and a goal, along with menus, SFX and background audio. If I don't run out of time I'll also add powerups, a weapon selection wheel and a "super" ability that stops time and lets you select multiple enemies and fires rockets at them. If I'm way ahead of schedule at that point, I guess destructible set pieces, branching paths and things like that would be fun!