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Across Alleys and Roof Tops: You waste no time to get into the spy theme intensity! I really like how this goes beyond stereotypical spy themes and goes further into the more cinematic route of espionage action. This is not the sneaky part for sure - this is the full-fledged desert chase scene in a James Bond movie. Very good quality in both musicality and percussion.

Sneak In - Rush Out: That build up is so epic! I love the way you created space on the low end and allowed the soft but shrill violins to rise up to create more contrast for the oomph of the drop to really blow me away! Excellent compositional technique here!

Overall: Your tracks’ quality and your compositional skill in creating a scene (your name “Visual Impact” applies very well in your music making!) are top-notch! I was left wanting to hear so much more of this OST! You have done an excellent job, thank you for sharing!

Thank You for taking the time to listen and to comment on my OST. There *might* be some more coming up in a (short) FPS just to use these tracks in a game O:)