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I imagine the limitation of "multiple applications" was to be used through multiple applications/repetitions of the gnome's cycle. I sympathize with not being able to fully carry out the planned concept within the given time; been there myself.

For what it is, it can use some polish, but the initial look and feel of the game interest me. It's got a bit of that silent film aesthetic with the text cards. I'd be interested to see what more cycles will bring in terms of changes and story-telling, little things like the flower dying in the second cycle peak my interest. I always enjoy that sort of thing. The story being a bit "confusing" doesn't bother me, I'd say that's part of the appeal.

Visually, it could use some work. The walking animation cycle could use a couple more frames, there could be a bit more animation and visual effects when things happen (such as the boulder appearing, or moving into the next section). Maybe a parallax effect so the background sky moves at a slower pace than the foreground. Things like that.