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Awesome plugin. I found a small bug with the pro version. When I set the map to hide with the variable I set it hides, but if I then delete some image and show an image you get an ugly white square in the place of the map. Like it sort of matters what order you present images.

I'm using an overlay image, but it's more like an ugly white square.

To give an example, I've got it set to hide whenever the text window is there.

Ok! Lets figure this out.

  1. Are you using the <IMG> minimap, right?
  2. When you say "delete image" what you mean? Delete a default Rpg Maker Picture?
  3. Are you hiding the map with a variable? Or do you mean switch?

So, when you flip the switch to hide the minimap, the blank square is showing?

1, right

2, correct, it’s like it’s got a z index élément too

3, correct, i assign a var to hiding the map and alter based on circumstances 

The image is a full screen image. I’ve replicated with… 

fade out. flip the switch and delete the image. 

Fade out delete image flip switch 

Or show an image and flip the switch

ok! Will try to reproduce the problem and let you know!

let me know if you need me to mock up an example of it happening…