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"Mr. Marshgoyle" is a tricky one. Defend is your best friend.


I'm almost at LV7 Nell, so I'll try that first. Thanks for the tip!

FYI, if you wanna start a TVTropes page for anything, I'll help you. I made RandomDrop 'cause I wanted to remember where Phoenix Feathers come from. They seem to be rarer than expected, or it's just the first fight with them that drop them?

Also not sure where Vis can come from...


Red Hornets have a 10% drop rate on Phoenix Feathers; it's pretty rare, but the fight with seven of them means there's over 50% odds that you'll get at least one from drops.

As for Vis, that drops from Oily Oozes, also at a 10% rate. There should also be some in chests.


Fought all my way to Mr. Marshgoyle and only got 1 dropped Feather.

Have never seen a dropped Vis. Only got the 3 from Chests.

Thanks for the info!