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Nasir route is by far my most favorite one.


I love him so goddamn much, even when he treats you like shit (for understandable reasons) in Kol's route, I couldn't help but still want him back then. He's just so commanding, dominate, claims you as his property, you're his, you belong to him. Or when he gets jealous of others looking at you in a sexual way, how he's so quick to verbally defend you and physically protect you from harm. I knew the scent fetish was coming cause even in other routes he has sweat stain on his wifebeater so its a given but damn y'all went all out with it yessss <3

now a minor nitpick, I've noticed in all the routes outside of Kol's, he's still the one that's there to defend you from that pirate rapist. I kinda wish that who ever's route you're on would do that instead of it always defaulting to Kol.

I'm glad you liked it! I know the scent thing is a turn off for some people, so I made it optional, but I knew some of us would dig it!