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This was just FANTASTIC!! Everything about it is dripping in this sort of nostalgic elegance, from the ornate GUI, to the slowly lilting music, to the empty isolation of the room we find ourselves waking up in. It gives the entire thing so much style. And I'm in love with the little extra bits you added, like the drop-down menu and the gorgeous title screen alkdsjfalskdf

The looping effect was so unique and fascinating??? Love how it's like... every time we press that button again, we awaken back in this world of hazy confusion with that same face just staring, staring, STARING at us LMAO And the little point and click moments were a lot of fun (I do enjoy a good point and click ahhhHHH). I especially loved how when it takes you back to the title screen it changes to "Continue." And then the fun use of variables to remember things/your name from previous rounds, I don't know, somehow it just made everything feel that much more immersive and surreal and mind-boggling LDKAFJSD

And of course The Guide himself. So wonderfully smug as he guides us through this journey. A LITTLE TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT????? LMAO HIS EYES LOOKING STRAIGHT AT ME WAS SO UNNERVING????

Just a really wonderful little experience and so polished and enjoyable. A fantastic job!! And now I also still have that music just playing over and over in my head as I look around my own room LDKFAJSDF 🤣💕


ARGHHHHH you are spoiling me with this lovely and in-depth comment, I am truly moved!! And coming from you as well, it truly means a lot!!

I'm very happy that you played it and enjoyed it that much! Thank you for this sweet, sweeeeeeeeet comment ;___;