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Hello! I am happy that you were able to automate it in the end, and I get that it can be a frustrating experience.

If you were expecting a game like factorio, this game can be counter intuitive because you have to make sure that the machines work and don't clog up. And it's a different kind of challenge than factorio, and it can be difficult, but that's what I wanted for it.

Automation isn't always as straight forward as factorio. You'll have to design machines so that they work, and the challenge comes from using the logistic structures and setting up the individual machines. It is similar to factorio in some ways, but automation is not the same experience, and that's the idea.

I get that it could be a lot to jump into, and given that the game doesn't have a tutorial, and that you need to figure everything out yourself, it could be very difficult.

I am happy that it was mostly enjoyable, tho.

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Fair enough. Creating for oneself is a good way of avoiding burnout. Unless commissioned, one should never need to make something that one wouldn't enjoy, oneself.

Still think setting machines to certain recipes would solve basically every problem I have with the automation, though...  and seeing as it takes so incredibly much nutrition for the goddess to grow, the vast majority of the weight gain content is locked behind a system that I find unpleasant to automate. I appreciate the inclusion of a cheat mode for those who just want to see the WG content, tho. It is a good game you've made, it just has some sticking points for me.

Thanks for the correspondence, as well, it's nice to have respectful communication like this. Especially when weight-gain fetish content is the subject, haha

Edit: also want to impress that I have absolutely no sense of entitlement about any of this FREE content I'm getting for FREE from someone who put TIME and EFFORT and, seemingly, LOVE into it, this is all just candid feedback.

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Don't worry, I do appreciate feedback a lot! The best parts of development were when I got to watch people play it and voice their opinions, and the game has become better for it. Reading the comments has also been very nice, and it has motivated me to fix things that I wouldn't have fixed otherwise. 

As for the goddess requiring too much nutrition, you can change the required nutrition by editing the savefile data (%localappdata%/gain_factory/game_data_.ini). You just find the variable "goddess_nutrition_goal" under the save that you're playing on, and set it to something smaller. For the hardmode goddess, you can also alter the loss rate for the goddess by changing the value for the variable "goddess_loss_rate". Most things are stored locally in the savefile, so in theory, you can also change things like cowgirl appearances, though the savefile isn't optimized for human interaction. The saves are in json format, but all the " are replaced with <.