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A member registered Sep 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Don't get me wrong, this game has so much quality it's insane. It's mostly just a me issue I guess, since I had the same problem with Darkest Dungeon; because it's kind of The Point of each game, though, how can I really complain when it's very clearly advertised?

The in-game encyclopedia is pretty comprehensive, but I'm still not sure how you get rid of undesired crests, which seems to be the most major thing that happens when someone gets kidnapped. Maybe it's a skill issue that 3 of my most useful characters got kidnapped so early on, but it's very stress inducing for me knowing that I have to wait until they're put further and further into a utility hole in order to let the difficulty lower enough to be capable of rescue. It's almost worse than them just dying like in Darkest Dungeon since if they were just dead, then I would have to move on or give up instead of putting more time and resources into trying to rescue and fix them.

I don't know if there's a solution to this other than just sucking it up or not playing the game (I don't expect the game to be so radically changed just for me), so IDK why I'm even saying all this, I guess I just wanted to express my frustration, get it off my chest.

Again, it seems like a great game overall! Really looking forward to the cow and parasite stuff when I can finally claw my way back to a normal-ish state so I can actually make progress in the game and interact with the parts of it I want to!

As a gameplay mechanic, permanent negative consequences are very, very frustrating, at least for me. For titillation, however, it's hot as fuck.

Judging almost solely from the fact that I follow the author, likely some sort of game involving fat furries.

Short for "family", "fam" is a term connoting closeness or endearment of another.

Now THAT's a fucking glowup holy

Looks like the start of something amazing! This is too well aligned with my interests for me to not support it monetarily!

I guess my previous comment was deleted for having a link in it, but anyway I figure you probably know what you're doing, don't mean to imply you don't! Just wanted to be helpful.

I would imagine the code at the end of the options is not supposed to show up, correct?

(1 edit)

Despite my best efforts, and despite what is described, the only stat that consistently increases is Belly, and it always starts at 11+ when it first increases. The only other stat that has increased is Breast, and it's always very slight and decays quickly.

Additionally, there are often broken event notifications that pop up, almost always saying [object Object]

This is just feedback for testing, I'm really enjoying this overall!

Edit: I'm using Chrome

Woah! This is a very ambitious game! It's great to see you make a foray into such things!

It functions!

How come missing the final runner is a loss condition, is that an implementation issue?

Vore! :D

Yeah a quick google beforehand would have avoided that issue lol

That line about the bulk of horny RPG maker games speaks to my soul. On the one hand I'm glad that they're making something rather than nothing, but on the other hand... it does make it harder to find the primo stuff.

This is neat and all but it really makes me wish Body Heat got more development :(

I look forward to when you revisit! This is the start of something excellent!

Aw man, the growth was sped up but the max size wasn't increased? To me, this is detrimental :(

Promising! I would have passed over it if I hadn't seen the breast size difference in the thumbnail, though; consider adding the breast-expansion tag!

Bruh, putting me on blast here lmfao

I guess it's a succinct - if weird - way to let people know there could be a false positive on Windows Defender

Are you not also the creators of "Echoes: Cards of Destiny"? It seems to have been made in the same manner, complete with animated intro and questionably-curated sex scenes. The Patreon links are different, and there seems to be no acknowledgement of the sister game, even though those who like one may very well like the other. Is there a story behind this?

A great foundation! As others have pointed out, it's far from finished, but for a start it's something to be proud of! Being quite hot also helps :)

Obviously your animation experience shows well! I don't know how outdated this demo is, so IDK if any feedback from here would actually be helpful though :P

It would be nice if you could play this one-handed, why not make it so W and S are up and down and/or Enter is space?

Oh hell yeah! I could have missed this since it doesn't have the inflation tag yet!

(3 edits)

OK now they have just decided they like flesh more than fruit I guess, they have evolved to have as many offspring per litter as possible and the food barrels are filling up... Nobody is dying to anything but vore or old age...


(1 edit)

Finally managed to get vore to occur and watch it happen but there wasn't even a special little action-bubble depiction :/

Edit: But selecting for stomach capacity and vore seems to have fixed the food scarcity issue LMFAO everyone is either dying of old age or vore now

I guess I have to make them cut down trees that have fruit as soon as possible? It doesn't seem like they can pick fruit off of trees and have been waiting for it to fall? Haven't confirmed this

Not sure if it's a skill issue but since the update (downloaded version) my goblins have been dying of starvation before they can do anything of notice

Simple, succinct, and well made!


Figured out Deoxys's cipher by slapping it into a Caesar cipher decoder and fiddling around

I got tired of having to fiddle, so I got ChatGPT to write some Python code to decode it since I'm too tired and horny to write the code myself.

def decode_ciphered_text(ciphered_text):

    decoded_text = ""

    shift = 0

    for char in ciphered_text:

        if char.isdigit() and 1 <= int(char) <= 4:

            shift = int(char)

        elif char.isalpha():

            case_offset = ord('a') if char.islower() else ord('A')

            decoded_char = chr((ord(char) - case_offset - shift) % 26 + case_offset)

            decoded_text += decoded_char

        elif not char.isdigit():

            # Remove digits greater than 4 from the output

            decoded_text += char

    return decoded_text

# Example usage:

ciphered_text = "3abc2 DEF 1ghi 4JKLmno 56789"

decoded_text = decode_ciphered_text(ciphered_text)

print("Ciphered text:", ciphered_text)

print("Decoded text:", decoded_text)

I wonder if there's a way to package the image files so they aren't separate files.

Oh dang! Sorry that happened. It seems a little strange though, is that the way everyone does it? I thought it would just be embedded into the page.

The web version doesn't seem to work, I'm using Chrome, let me know if I can provide any more helpful information.

When I click on the "download" button next to "Web Version" it takes me to this page below

(I censored the ip address just in case, let me know if it is relevant)

I can still download the exe version just fine.


(1 edit)

Hm, it doesn't seem to allow me to scroll down. I have to zoom out to read everything and progress if there is too much text on the screen.

Edit: and I can't zoom out far enough for some of the screens, it seems, so I can't get past the first few pages!

I'm not really into TG (I'm bisexual, it's turning one thing I like into another thing I like) but I'm into TF and something about the idea of a Fire Emblem style game where you feminize your companions really seems compelling! Like, the permanent consequences, the high stakes being leveraged to bolster or pivoted to become the permanent transformation, corruption of the compatriots you rely on... it's a deliciously diabolical concept!

If there's breast expansion, futa, and pregnancy, those are great bonuses!

This is very impressive for a first 3d game in Unreal Engine 5! Is it possible, currently, to collect all 12 images?

I would also look forward to seeing what becomes of those infested, what sort of tags/fetishes are planned to be included? Or, is that mostly going to be used for horror, rather than titillation? 

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I was able to beat it after like 6 attempts without being able to move the egg lmfao


And yeah it looks like that one bug was successfully fixed! Nice!

(1 edit)

Not sure if it's because of the most recent update but I can't seem to move the egg left and right on desktop with the browser version anymore.

Tried with a few different browsers, same result.