Figured out Deoxys's cipher by slapping it into a Caesar cipher decoder and fiddling around
I got tired of having to fiddle, so I got ChatGPT to write some Python code to decode it since I'm too tired and horny to write the code myself.
def decode_ciphered_text(ciphered_text):
decoded_text = ""
shift = 0
for char in ciphered_text:
if char.isdigit() and 1 <= int(char) <= 4:
shift = int(char)
elif char.isalpha():
case_offset = ord('a') if char.islower() else ord('A')
decoded_char = chr((ord(char) - case_offset - shift) % 26 + case_offset)
decoded_text += decoded_char
elif not char.isdigit():
# Remove digits greater than 4 from the output
decoded_text += char
return decoded_text
# Example usage:
ciphered_text = "3abc2 DEF 1ghi 4JKLmno 56789"
decoded_text = decode_ciphered_text(ciphered_text)
print("Ciphered text:", ciphered_text)
print("Decoded text:", decoded_text)