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Definitely love the amount of content on the presentation and it's clear a lot of work went into the game! I feel like a lot of clarity regarding some mechanics and polish would help it a lot (Red being able to stand on yellow but not the other ones or explaining how buttons work in cases like one player stepping out of one and it turning off even if another one is on it), but besides that, it was super fun and I really enjoyed the puzzle aspect in some of the levels! Definitely enjoyed it the most when mechanics where clear and platforming wasn't as important as thinking

For a couple design choices I noticed I feel would improve the game a little bit:

-Seeing some characters in level layouts was hard because of the colors of the background, most noticeably with green in the first area

- I feel like if blue charged their ability completely once they touch the ground it would feel a lot better than having to wait needlessly most of the levels

The amount of work that went into the game is incredible, it felt super cool watching the animated logo at the start. I'd love to see a more polished version of this in the future.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! I do have plans to make this into a full game in the future. The buttons are a bit buggy and I didn't have the time to fix it fully, the lack of info of mechanics not related to character abilities was meant to play into the puzzle aspect, I can understand your confusion and or frustration about that and I will have optional hints in future versions. Also these characters do have names that are shown in the game page, hud, and some of the text Yellow = Squarington, Red = Circil, Green = Trish, Blue = Dianne, and Light green = Cuben (He's the flying cube you see teaching you mechanics in the game in 1-1)

Also the thing about the game not telling you about Squarington's ability was a mistake, however I have fixed it now, my bad