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(3 edits) (+1)

And complete! I thought Eloise was suspicious, watching on during one of the Skirmish Maps, but no. She's had an interesting life, what with being a smith and an amateur bowcarver.

Beat Malak in 2 turns. Ran my Guardians ahead and got them taken out Before they had a Turn 2. Good thing everyone else survived due to a lack of other ranged attacks.

Started a new game to confirm the Smith stuff since I wasn't 100% sure.

Yeah, wow, Cleric is hard. They have only one attack at start. The basic 1 Range Attack. Good thing Skirmishing is possible even at the very beginning. They even have some nice bright religious lore with them!

That appearances aren't locked out once I choose them means that I can make a squad of sextuplets... Which is an issue for differentiating them on the battlefield?


I imagined it as her cheering you on from out of range of the Gremlins attacking the fort, since it's the same map as the fort's exit.

With Cleric-only, you'll want to take full advantage of the fact that they can equip daggers right out the gate- a Bronze Dagger is going to be your best damage option early on. Of course, once you have access to Ray, Sunburst, or Light's Justice and a Sword, you'll be able to throw around some more damage.

On that subject, I might change the animation of Ray and Sunburst later; whenever I see its current animation, I've been working so long on Ruphand that I expect a four-hit combo. I can think of another that probably fits a lot better, now I think about it...


Yeah, I was just theory crafting, since I don't feel up to replaying immediately or anything, but I'm fine with more updates. I would've checked if I could've beat a Phase 1 battle with them, and prioritized Light's Justice indeed.