Missing one of Hoss's set, 1 of... the 8th man(?), and a trauma between day 10 and something in the pool.
Also bugged out when I got Hoss at the end of B.
Not sure what you mean about the Hoss one, do you mean the one between him and dave at the pool and the pic of his family?
The trauma i think is path E which is to kill every character as fast as possible, i think.
Yeah, that one.
Get Hoss's affinity pretty much as high as you can before he shows you the library and that will get it.
He's a book in braille but thanks.
its just easy thing like spending time with him, when he talks about working out say pilaties (or whatever its called) and the 2nd time tyson rushes out (after the convo about confessions) don't follow him stay and talk to hoss about family.