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I like the idea with the secret code to look for. It's making for a more interesting game loop. But I am not fully getting it in action as the player.
I struggle to find out how to cancel out of the computer with the cipher input (playing on WebGL ESC exits fullscreen of the embed). And for solving, at first I thought I have to pick the symbols visible from the rooms the enemy appeared in front, with that same order. But that seems not to be the case. Since I cannot cancel out of the code input I only attempted twice.

The E key is used for exiting the code but even then it didnt work for me once. Also I don't think that the symbols have to be put in any order.


Thanks for helping. Though E never worked for me to cancel it but who knows I probably also stopped trying it more than once. And you are right, it's not about an order. I played it again and realized the solution was way more straight forward.