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(2 edits) (+1)

damn genzou, what did you do to orlam to make him this deranged.........

orlam might be a bad person who engages in a spot of casual cannibalism here and there, but i can't help but feel for him. the poor guy was mistreated so badly growing up, it's no wonder he'd be a littol bit deranged now he has some power...

it's nice to see him being so vulnerable here, even when he's the one ostensibly in control. he might be talking down to genzou and trying to act unaffected, but you can tell what happened between them still weighs on him. poor cannibal bby............

ah, the text bubbles, the use of animation, and the ui is really good too! it looks very polished! a lot of effort clearly went into the presentation, but i'm more invested in the messy character drama. you managed to communicate a lot about genzou and orlam's relationship in very few words; it's very impressive!

edit: also darn i got ending 3 first and i thought it concluded not toooo miserably. endings 1 and 2 make me feel very bad for orlam, though... he really needs a hug..................
not from genzou though lol, they should stay away from one another
also, i found all 3 endings pretty intuitive and easy to get; i didn't have any problems getting them.


I'm so glad you liked it ahhhh THANK YOU FOR PLAYING??? I greatly enjoyed getting to write some more patent-pending Orlam dialogue LMAO I'm happy you enjoyed the dynamics... 🥺💕 These two inflict in me many a heart-wrenching and guttural set of feels, so I was hoping I'd be able to get some of that out in this despite the limitations. I DO LOVE A MESSY CHARACTER DRAMA LOL And characters that are very bad for each other but can't stop revolving around each other LOL

Ahhh and thank you for the nice comments about the UI and everything. I'm always a bit nervous as I don't have much experience. But I feel like with every new game I do I learn a little more and get a little better 🤣

I'm glad you were able to get all the endings pretty easily!! I'm worried about it being a bit too hard -- in particular ending 2, which is even worse as that's the actual canon one LOL (Tho in my head because of the loops, they're technically all probably canon and did happen in one of the loops, we just didn't see it or something ldkfjasd)

GUHHH ANYWAY THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR LEAVING SUCH A NICE COMMENT it means a lot!! 😭💕 And I'm really glad you liked this little game!! I hope it will act as a nice build-up to when I release the next part of Arc 5 lakdjfasd 🤭