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Seems good!

Looking over the available Weapons and Armor, I've been sticking to Axe Guardians the whole while, but maybe I should try a Lance and a Crystal, just make them that bit more (Magically) Defensive...

The Status Bonuses really make each character unique, and I've been treating them generically! Heh.

I hope the Powershield Ring stops Scorch's ATK reduction...


Unfortunately, it doesn't.  That said, the Firebane Ring can prevent Scorch entirely, so it's a choice: do you protect yourself from Foul Flies' Debilitate or Devil Knights' Hellfire?

(3 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the info!

Okay, having the same TypeError "Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined" during the Start Phase of Skirmishing again.

To replicate, confirm a Hero to put down, then back out before picking the spot, and then try to put any Hero down.


Hmm... Could we get Enemies to have their Statuses flicker above their heads like the Heroes do? I'm bad at remembering which Devil Knights Blocked last turn.


Ah, now I got the error to run. My original fix was right, except I forgot one lousy "return"! I'll have that patched in a bit.

It looks like I accidentally left Block un-shown. I'll do something about that in the next patch as well.