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  • It's quite  hard to see what loot you get from chests and skellys, you can make the item you get have a fading '+1' next to it or make his square go yellow for a short while only to indicate that you got some more of it.
  • The game need to save even if you exit when you are in a secondary camp.
    • Yeah kind of odd I thought it did.
  • Clay builds! I would love to see a new building variant and clay (water and dirt) would fit good I think. Especially of you add the shovel.
    • There are lots more building types planned. Mud was one I thought of. Building types are going to be linked to different races of people. If you complete their quests you get their building tech/recipes.
  • solar panels are too easy to make and just dominate every other generators and there is no need to make interesting combinations like lumber jack robot with wood burners. So make solar panels cost 15/20 electronics instead of 10.
    • Yeah solar panels are really meant to be locked out until you unlock them through game progression. I'll look into making them more expensive. I also plan on making a mechanic where you have to clean them or they stop producing as much electricity.
  • Mines! you can come across one randomly while exploring or you can make one a permanent location. 
    • I planned on underground locations! In fact one of the quest lines I am working on one of the missions is in a mine.
  • Raids! 
    • oh these are for sure in the works. Just trying to figure out the best way to do them.
  • Oil Extractor.
    • I have the art already for this. I was going to have it where you deposit a lot of veggies and it slowly produces oil.
  • transport robot
    • also planned. I need to make a fairly complex system for this (which is why I've avoided it :) )

Most of your comments I've already thought about and planned. I like the idea about zones or deposits giving water/dirt/oil. Though I'd probably make a more game-like system. Think of a diving rod that vibrates when you get closer to a water source. You could place down an extractor and turn it on but monsters would spawn and you'd have to defend it.

Anyway great suggestions, that first one should have been something I thought of!