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Solid game entry, with a few flaws :D

First of all, the graphics are nice and really well done. The controls are very responsive.

But there are some points which could be improved:

  • The enemies keep shooting when they are already dead. It seems that the bullet shooter is not connected to the enemy.
  • The snow particles are very distracting and should be removed in number and maybe speed.
  • It should not be possible to spam the shoot button like it is currently. Because if you can make full auto mode than you could also just make it so that the button is held down :D Maybe some ammo system would be better where you have to reload.
  • It should also not be possible to pre-fire for the next wave which makes it way too easy. So maybe disable fire until the next wave is there.
  • It is sad that your game ends so abruptly. I know that the time is an issue in game jams, but some sort of victory/end screen would be nice.

Feel free to check out my game and mention everything you didn't like ;)

We appreciate your feedback and that you took your time to rate and give us feedback for our future games! As you mentioned, time was an issue and there were a lot of features we had to cut due to the time limit, and after hearing it from a couple of people, we agree that the snow particles should've been reduced, or at least have an option for the amount of particles emitted. Thank you!