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I love that you used AI for the art and story, it mostly worked really well. I would have preferred a more balanced pilot roster and not just have them all appear female. Taras mech (the yellow one) was climbing up on me a lot and the people sliding left to right looked out of place with the scene background. I also found that I only really needed Z in battles, it was enough to win each round, would have liked to have had reasons to use the other buttons, the sounds were good and my frame rates were super smooth. Great work and if you can iron our a few bugs it will be really fun to play!


Thanks for playing. The yellow one was made in the last minues and the result is quite bad. I have to polish the AI a lot. I am already working on it.

Yeah I feel you, we has some last minute stuff in our that could I go back, I'd probably have just left it out. Glad to hear you are working on it, a tonne of potential there!