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Very interesting idea and I liked it! It was simple but searching for ingridient to trade is a nice mechanic, only the long trip and the few stations (C, N & V) without any other interactions/sounds where a little bit boring. The achivments and point system at the end was very nice and satisfying, also the titles that the soup gets is quite interesting. Keep it up, because it is a really great game.

The only bug was the avatar at the beginning, I couldn't change anything but the randomizer seems to can do it


Thanks a lot for the feedback! At the beginning I planned to introduce a couple more locations (as mentioned in the description, the Castle and Graveyards packs were something I was considering), but of course I did not have the time. As for sounds, that's kind of my main weak spot (both sound design and music), and I left it at the very end, where, of course, I ran out of time.

Sorry for that bug, some friends of mine noticed it as well, but it was after the time ran out; for some reason the signals connecting the buttons cleared all the variables they were supposed to pass. Used to work, but that was the very first component I developed, and apparently it broke partway through...


You're welcome! It is still impressive to do that in this amount of time, so congratulations! And yes time... :) but it was good that you focused on the important part! Nice to see your interest to continue your game!

No problem, bugs happens and the same type of bug happend to me (it was a single number :(. And especially if you programmed it at the beginning. Keep it up!