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I love the use of the theme here! Unique take of Train and on the Companion at the same time. I think the simple graphics work well here. I didn't get through the whole game yet but I want to come back and try more. The knights ability I did find a bit confusing. I wasn't sure where I needed to stand to use it. And it was on the difficult side but I want to try more. I think this has some potential if you could keep expanding on it. Normally in a lot of games the companion is the invulnerable one and gathering things. This has a nice twist on it. Building puzzles and challenges around that concept could make for a good full game.

Thank you! Yes I realized towards the end that the game was too difficult and this is a tuned down version haha. This is my first jam and not too used to balancing difficulty looking to improve that next time! For the abilities player can press them anywhere and squire will receive the combat boost (dmg def etc). I'm glad you like the graphics despite being simple as I'm new to pixel art as well. 

Tip if you play again or to other players. To deal with Wizards: they have slow attack speed so have your squire weave in and out to attack and avoid damage Also you can scout ahead of your squire to see upcoming enemies.