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Can't get this to run, here's the error:

Yea my bad, I didn't know how to export stuff with Godot and it turns out you need to include the .pck file in a folder with the .exe.  Should be fixed now, thanks for letting me know.

Now that I've had a chance to give this a try, I think this is a cool concept! Managing engine heat is a neat idea, and makes for a very unique feel to the game. I do wish the effects of it were a bit more pronounced however. I feel like increasing the speed boost you get from having a warmed up engine could help a lot for example. 

Ah, thanks for giving it another swing.  I agree that the engine should do more when at higher heat, there's a few things I didn't have time to implement that would tie into it.  I'm working on a post-jam version in my free time, so hopefully I can make the engine feel a bit more exciting to play with/around.  I appreciate the feedback :)