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Nice job! Interesting art style to blend PBR & Pixel art. My only gripe is that the camera is so far in that it's hard to tell what's coming up and how to conserve your wrenches! Maybe even if the character was just farther to the left of the screen instead of fixed in the middle, that would have been easier. But maybe it's exactly as hard a game as you meant it to be, and I don't have my young man reflexes anymore 😂

Hey There! Did you download the game or rate just from the video, because the video is not updated and in the game itself the character is on the left. but other than that We're glad you liked it :)

ooh, I did download the game! I just saw a screenshot when I was posting the comment and assumed that's how it was in the build! Sorry about that. 

I also somehow managed to fall into a pit of darkness from colliding too long with a table, haha! I was waiting for my wrenches to reload!

Oh also, forgot to mention how much we liked your intro for your brand "Italic Games" super cool design :)
