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So this is a really dumb request but I figure I might as well.

Im hoping you can change the menu UI so the return button is at the top instead of bottom...

Using joiplay to play this on mobile and there is a bug where the save menu prompts you to input a name but doesn't let you unfocus on it. This makes half the screen covered by keyboard. I can get around it by pressing "history" (only button not hidden), but this takes like a good 5 seconds of lag which is annoying (especially for an obsessive saver like me). 

Anyway, it would be nice to have the bug fixed but I wouldnt ask you to debug something for a platform you arent even supporting. Just hoping you can do a super easy bandaid fix (moving return to top instead of bottom) as this would fix the issue and not really affect normal users.


maybe you should use a computer to play computer games, and leave the communications devices for calling yr momma to say sorry for being the disappointment you've become. 


"Communications device" welcome to the modern age grandpa. Phones these days these days can run better games now than the games you'll remember back from when your dick actually worked.

Perhaps I should do something productive with my life like you and post on every thread in this page, whining about the free content someone is producing.


inb4 "boomers had it all and we got nothing!"you cant have it both ways kiddo


*makes up a fake argument and wins it*

congrats my man

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sure beats claiming that an argument you lost was fake. just accept it like a man, grow the fuck up. no wonder yr here butthurt over a porn game about fucking your own daughters

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you literally wrote something I didn't say and then argued against this claim that YOU wrote.

Damn grandpa, that dementia is getting bad. Not to mention you forgetting it was YOU whining on this page about the game being too slow, as opposed to me literally asking for a button to be moved

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we can play "no i didnt / yes you did" all day long kiddo, doesnt make you look any less batshit crazy to deny it when the evidence is literally two lines above. methinks you got too much splooge in your butt.. that explains the name at least


This evidence, is it in the room with us right now?
