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(1 edit) (+1)

Fantastic. The music choice and use of that subtle glowing effect for the geometry gives the entire thing a starkly empty, atmospheric feel. Compelling.

If I had one extremely small criticism, it's that some of the levels feel like they come down to mostly rubbing against walls and switching between colors, but there are just as many levels that stick out. Level 6 in particular is awesome because you really have to consider how you're switching between colors so that you don't fall. I also like how the spiral level played with my perception. The execution on the idea is extremely well done.

And the fact that you made this polished product complete with visual options, a beautiful UI, and 10 whole levels is incredible. Great job!


Thank you!!

I am aware that some of the levels aren't that much of a standout, but I sadly didn't have enough time to polish all of them to the fullest :/ I still tried to give all of them some unique challenge!

I'm really glad you liked the game :D


I honestly only had criticisms of some levels because the rest of the game was so absurdly polished. You did great work!