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Girl on Fire got lit by Ghost on first turn. Enemies don't attack until after the party gets a chance to move and attack, right?

So is this a bug?

(1 edit) (+1)

Enemies can move before you do if their DEX is higher. Shades in particular have a quite high DEX of 25 (the same as the Troll, in fact!), and some decent range to their first spell, so they'll be landing a lot of first hits. 

On the bright side, this will usually put them in prime range to hit them back with your Hunter, and their 35 HP/14 DEF leaves them wide open to getting oneshotted in return. Even if your Hunter is burned, she can still drop him with a Long Shot.

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was wondering what the Dex stat is for.

And sorta inconsistent issue. If I Learn some of the meter improvement skills, the HP or MP +5, then go into a battle, sometimes my HP or MP don't start the battle at full?

And some of my characters have weird entries in their Status menu in battle. I forget what they are, but they're all lowercase?

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Oh, shoot. Those are the passive states being used for the Traits and they shouldn't be showing up. I'll probably release a minor patch to fix that, along with some kind of fix for the not-full HP.