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I always need a stronger fix - personally, haha. The game has the potential of just making people paranoid of 'what if' something is behind me, since its first person and has slow rotation, it leaves you susceptible to potential 'attacks' to the mind - whether that be subtle jumpscares or things, ghosts, sorta like a The Shining, 2 girls down the hallway eeriness - type of horror. That's at least what I get the vibes of.

Uncanny Valley and long hallways are a good subject.Sound effects of things that suggest something really is behind you, or events when you look into a room - opening a door perhaps could lead to unexpected things? A doorway in this games' instance can be a gateway to infinite possibilities, especially grusome or unexpected things. A bloodied room? A black shadow that's waiting and walks towards you and you want to just close the door asap? List could go on forever with Hallway horror audio aesthetics and doorway room-differences, I'd argue :P