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4 Colors is actually a very comprehensive and engaging experience, despite the short development window for the jam. The movement feels solid, no curveballs or clunkiness there so it was reliable to get a good and consistent feel for the character motion. Super important aspect of platformers and not always done as well as it is here;  sprite animation is a great compliment to it as well. 

I enjoyed the freedom to try different routes in restoring the colors, and even develop strategies as to which order works best (For me it was activating Blue, Green, Red, then Yellow; Though Red introduces the most difficulty for me personally). The difficulty progression, dynamic music, and implicit narrative approached and tied together in the form of layers was a very clever design decision.  I like how each restore modifies a specific layer of gameplay: Static Spikes, Vertical Flying Enemies, Horizontal Crawling Enemies, and Dynamic Obstacles/Projectiles.

The only feedback I would give, is to assist in telling the player when they've approached the bottom of the map as I've killed myself a couple times trying to test if there is more map to reveal (There is some camera clamping, but perhaps a little something extra would help us slow folk). 

Of course, to no surprise, the sprite work was *chef's kiss* 🤌

Great jam submission! Excited to see all your future work!


My current record is 2min 24 seconds

Thanks for the feedback! Luckily, I was able to reuse some of my code from previous projects to make sure the movement felt solid.  I’m super happy when I hear that people strategized the order that worked for them! My priority was to focus on dynamic difficulty that lets the player choose their own path. Vertical downward movement was definitely my largest struggle in the level design, and I’m sorry to hear that it didn’t work near the bottom of the map. I’ll definitely try new ways to communicate where you can and can’t fall. I remember that in Shantae skulls would appear over death pits, so maybe that’s something worth stealing from. Thanks for checking out the game and I always appreciate feedback from my gamer brethren.