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Hey! I'm touched that you've taken on board the advice I gave on Discord. I find the arrival of the saxophone clearer and more satisfying with the drop in rain sound :)

The lounge, sensual, cosy feel is very well rendered. I really like it.

(1 edit) (+1)

OMG I totally meant to @ you in disc to thank you but totally forgot. The notes you gave were really really useful, I wish I had more time to work on the baseline but even the small part I added from your suggestion really added a lot of depth to the sax melodies (Minus one note that I didn't realize was off until I listened back after submission haha). 

It was really good feedback which actually made me think a bit more about composition and what parts I wanted to ring out and emphasize (Especially with using automation to kind of push the rain off into the background), so off the back of that I actually played around with some of the chords and adding/removing from the drumline to draw attention to different parts (With varying success). 
