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[BUG] I'm not sure if this has happened in previous patches since I just came back to the game ever since the 0.18 patches but basically I have double Chelsea(Crescent hill boss) now after recruiting her through the Dungeon and sending her to therapy. Is there a difference between the 2 or is it just a Bug? Also, how can we check the recruited girls whether they are broken or not?


That's an old bug and shouldn't exist in the latest version. I built a safeguard against it, though. Just save and reload and the duplicate will be gone.

If a girl is recruited then she's either Shattered, Broken or Rehabilitated. If she's Shattered or Broken then she'll be available to send to the rehab centre (just go to the centre and select "admit a patient"). If she's rehabilitated then you can't re-rehabilitate her.

The character select UI will be getting an overhaul in coming updates to display more information on each character :)