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A member registered Feb 20, 2023

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Is that Lily's route? The one where you're at Blake and Ian's house?

Great game so far! Part 1 had a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes but I didn't really mind it, just the linear story part kinda bugged me. But atleast this one deviate from it. I haven't finished the game yet and I've only awakened lily (always will be my main girl, and prolly violet). Noticed a couple of bugs here and there: Sometimes when I load or when I press back, my phone says it's showing the sun icon but the background is dark and how the characters react to me is how they react during the evening. Also will it always be a 2 day cycle or will there be an afternoon? I also need a bit of help progressing Xenia's route. I found an old post you made in f95 and followed the partial walkthrough and it still won't work for me. I got Strength to 11, dex to 7, and Con to 7, then managed to fight Jinkan till the police came. I said "she's worth it" and "of course I do!" And she still ended the route. I thought I had to reboot so I did, and I did the same thing, and I still didn't get to progress. Am I missing something? I also said "Are you afraid of what your boyfriend might think?" In the first personal training sesh. Thanks in advance for the reply!

That's weird. Android 9 shouldn't have a problem in transferring of files. Can you take a screenshot of where you put the game folder in and paste it here when you reply to me?

Zarchiver had an error when moving the "game" folder to android data folder. It will move only 1 file and then manually moving the rest doesn't work either. It's been like that ever since Android 11. Tried moving the file using my PC as well (by connecting my phone to the PC using it's charger cable.), and it won't paste it in the android/data for some reason.

Creator, please update the instructions for the Android installation. Your instructions were correct but it was missing one crucial part: put the "game" folder inside the "files" folder in com.jypgames.scarletlaw

And for those who are still unable to install it (Aka the Android 11 users) here's how I made mine work:

1. Search AOSP Files in Google playstore. Download the app that is named "Files" and have been published by "Marc apps & software". You'll need this for the moving of files.

2. Download the game zip file for android from the download links below and unzip/extract the zip file.

3. Open the extracted folder and look for the "com.jypgames.scarletlaw-base.apk" and install it. Run the game and let it crash (It will crash in this step.) This step is needed to create the "com.jypgames.scarletlaw" folder in Android/data.

4. Go back to the extracted folder and move the game folder to internal storage. Commonly the file location is storage/emulated/0 or just internal storage. If you've been using the App I told you to download in step 1, then just click on your phone model or name and paste it there. It should be the "Main Menu" of all storages. You'll know for sure this is the location if you see the "Android" folder in here. 

5.[I advise in this step to sort your folder by date "Newest First" to make life easier]

Now open the Files App from Step 1 (if you've been using this app, then disregard that), and select the "game" folder you moved from your extracted folder. Once it's selected (you'll know it's selected if there's a check mark on it), hold it again and you should see that the file is now hovering. Keep holding and hover the file towards the "Android" folder and it should open if you hover on it for a few seconds. Once you're in, do the same for "data" folder, and then do the same for "com.jypgames.scarletlaw". DO NOT LET GO HERE. Only let go once you're inside the "files" folder in "com.jypgames.scarletlaw". Let it finish moving files before opening the game. Double check as well if the game folder is actually in by refreshing the folder.

And there you have it! It should work if done correctly. Hopefully this helps others who are still struggling to make it run on Android 11. I'm not sure if this will work on Android 13 though since they have a different workaround on it. 

Good day friend. If you manage to follow the instructions and it still didn't work, put the "game" folder in the "files" folder inside "com.jypgames(etc)". I've been racking my head on how to make this work and that stupid was the missing ingredient.

[BUG] I'm not sure if this has happened in previous patches since I just came back to the game ever since the 0.18 patches but basically I have double Chelsea(Crescent hill boss) now after recruiting her through the Dungeon and sending her to therapy. Is there a difference between the 2 or is it just a Bug? Also, how can we check the recruited girls whether they are broken or not?