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Great progress! I love the detail with the tail poses as you worm through the maze. (There are also some good head-smoosh poses against walls that came as a surprise.)

I found some issues with triggers seeming to be too large and prematurely clearing the level when things were next to the exit (which happened in both the pencil and CD areas--I've posted a screenshot below), as well as an issue with the mousetrap apparently ignoring wall collision after being set off by the cheese (I wasn't sure what its motion rules would be and ended up shoving it through a wall while testing a south-facing push).

I also liked naming the rats more than I expected. It seems like a potentially fun detail when sharing the code. (Minor nit: it would be nice if the "enter" key worked in addition to clicking the button to accept the name). 

I look forward to seeing what you add in the final sprint!

(I've attached a screenshot of the premature level-clear below, which I imagine just comes from the trigger collider being a bit too large.)