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(1 edit) (+1)

Damn, you have a really fun concept but the dominant strategy is just a little too easy to find and it trivializes the challenge. Other people have made a lot of cool suggestions on fleshing out the game to make it a little more mechanically interesting with more weapon/monster variety,  but I had one idea that it would be interesting to add in elements where sometimes you do have to hit the enemy. For exapmle armed enemies could also swing their weapons and you'd have to hit the weapon to parry them and protect our violent hero. Great work already though!

Thank you for the feedback! I also had the idea of making some monsters attack you, so you'd have to block the attack (but i guess that's technically a parry, as you said). Funnily enough, that's why a goblin has a broom, but i didn't manage to make it in time.