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(3 edits) (+1)

I flubbed it up when I accidentally set a Hunter to not do anything instead of killing a Toadstool, but now I know that F5 is the reset key, for easier restarting!

Command Remember in the options is Off, but if I say "No Action" for one party member, that's the same option for the next one? Easy to make mistakes since there's no "Are You Sure"?

EDIT: And finally won a battle where there were 0 Oozes and 1 Toadstool. So, Toadstools go for melee if they're in range for it, instead of flinging magic AOE. Woo!

Now to get a new skill!


Got it. I should probably change that, then- Attack should honestly be the default, kinda like it is in Fire Emblem, since then you know X amount of inputs means Y just through muscle memory. I'll see if I can get that by next patch!

I'll definitely add a training "Skirmish" map set with that patch as well. You won't progress toward endgame, but you'll be able to fight a sizeable amount of Gremlins and get some XP so you don't get softlocked. To bring back the Fire Emblem comparison, it'll kinda be like the Tower of Valni in Sacred Stones or the map skirmishes in Awakening- the option to grind is there, but not necessarily required.