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I appear to have gotten the camera stuck on floor 63, I think it happened due to to the character having picked up a toooon of momentum

Outside of that, did another good run and got to 206, I don’t know what the target floor is to get to the end screen shown in the screenshots, but I think I did pretty well!

Placing platforms on top of the lil guy to make him pick up a ton of speed was super satisfying and I ended up doing a lot more runs than I expected. This game has a very nice addictiveness to it, haha. I do wish that the platforms also bounced from below, it would have been pretty funny to accidentally throw the guy back down! I ended up just ignoring the bubbles sadly because they overwrite the momentum the noob picked up so far. They would have been pretty fun otherwise! The slow-mo was a great mechanic and allowed some crazy momentum building!

I had a really nice time with this game! Great job!


Thanks for the feedback!

Yes,it seems you can pick up  a bit too much momentum :P Will need to fix that (cool art composition, btw ;).

Having the platforms actually bounce you back down (instead of just stopping you) is a cool idea, might just do that if we polish it!

I think 206 is the highest score so far, congrats!

Happy you had fun playing :D