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Hey really cool! First off, I really like how you designed your main webpage about the game. It seemed to just flow into the game. Much more effort was put into that than the majority of game pages and I really liked that! Next the game was super soothing... almost like a good bedtime game (not because it's boring but cuz it's so calming!) Between the looks, sound, music, it really all comes together into a great package.

The gameplay is great too! I'm not a huge puzzle person, but I was able to finish the game without too much of a hitch. I think the only real annoying part (which you seem to allude to not actually supposed to be part of the game) is the flying through the walls. In a way it makes sense as something that can happen if done to hard, and it is quite amusing at times! But it did seem a bit inconsistent. Sometime I would pull a bit and it would be fine. Other times I feel I did the same and away mr aviator went flying out of bounds! It wasn't that bad though, just a minor nuisance. and given limited time in a game jam not something that we can really hold against you!

Anyways super superb job on this! You did an amazing job of tying it all together in a nice comfy package, and honestly other than the glitching through walls this practically seems like a normal non jam game. Great work!!