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Hey again, it's me ! The guy from Twitch with the silly AMD card causing the stream to lag. I just wanted to say I played it offline and it's really a nice take on the theme. I remember from ages back there was a minigame in Digimon World (PS1) that had similar mechanics (minus the gambling). I really appreciate you making this in only 48 hours. The only thing I find lacking a little bit is the UI, there's not that much feedback going on (it took me a while to figure out I had picked up a weapon at all). However, all in all I'm quite satisfied with details, for example, I love the decision to put a small window up front so you can see the knights coming in. And as future perspective (which made me rate you quite high in presentation) : with the current revolution in AI, this is the type of game you could hook up to ChatGPT / a voice generator and have a solid gold game in your hands :) well done, properly executed and allows to dream :)

Thanks a lot! glad you like it! we sadly didn't had time to integrate the tutorial but it will be there in the full release after the jam, and yeah the room was made by our fantastic 3d artist that made a really great job with graphics, model and ambient in general in the game. And yeah it's a great idea! i know someone put Chat-GPT in minecraft on Vilager so why not make something like that in the game. Thanks a lot for your review!