Thank you SO much for the feedback!!! :O You know I think I might try making this game again but do it better this time. Oh and btw hint: bring the mossy stone down into the corner so you can jump up without anything else, swap yourself with the immoble object, get ontop of yourself from earlier, and swap with what is below you. From there you should figure it out, but this part requires some speed. Oh yeah and the sound thing is from not being able to implement footsteps correctly so I gave up on sound and masked it with bg music. srry lol. Anyways yeah thanks for the feedback on moss being introduced a bit early, I really didn't consider puzzles with full freedom lol. Also I hate lvl 11 you will know it when you see it :\ I apologize to the world for it. Oh and the physics bit yeah I've never made a platformer before so I had to look up 2 basic tutorials for quick player movement and of course that brought some jank :\ used default physics for most, or added gravity and friction to some. You know though I could've added animations to pushing stuff :o anyways good luck and thank-a-you so muchh for playing-a-my-game!