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Really cool game!
It actually made me feel like a boss in an rpg, was quite fun to play and repel the heroes. I also really like the art, it looks good and has it's own vibe. I think it could easily be expanded upon by adding some minions, that would be on your team, or just making the fights have an impact. Like instead of dying and losing, the boss would respawn but heroes would now have some special items that drop from the boss, and boss could also upgrade themselves etc. Apart from that, I think the whole weakness/resistance could be more explained, because sometimes it feels like it barely does any impact, but obviously there is a time limit and not everything can make it in. Overall it's a very solid entry!


The original plan had heroes having special loot or buffs and the boss selecting different perks every wave, besides just the magic element, somewhat similar to what you mentioned. And certainly, I agree that there was more work to do with damage numbers, sadly the time limitations didn't allow me to test balance as thoroughly as I would have wanted.

Thank you for playing the game and for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed your time playing it!