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(1 edit)

Hey! Thanks a lot for the good feedback.

a short explanation of the system.
- 1 / 2 pointers are melee units that don't deal a lot of damage but have a lot of health.
- 4 pointers attack over a range of 2 fields and have slightly higher damage but also less health than 1/2 pointers
- 6 pointers have a high amount of damage, low attackspeed and low health. Also they attack over a long range.

The reason why 6 pointers lose in the beginning is because they don't have a lot of health and the reason why they are so good in the end is because their damage increases significantly with the 2/3-star version.

A good strategy we found was to build some melee units in the start and get them to level 3 and then slowly replace them with ranged units. 

EDIT: Then fonts name is Arcade: 

Thanks again for playing :)