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Not the biggest fan of how rng-dependant the game is at this stage. I feel like reloading saves is a necessity when beginning zones, and it starts feeling very grind-heavy (not the sexy kind).

I feel that increasing the chance of fleeing each time you attempt to flee would be good, as this gives the player more control over the enemy encounter rng vs. player power scaling.  Also gives chance for better planning for potions without having to load save. 

Giving enemies an attack pattern, and/or a telegraph of their next attack, would help it feel more strategic instead of a roll of the dice all the time.

I also feel that defending should recharge an extra AP point as this increases the viability of AP moves and makes defending more versatile in encounters.

I'm interested to see how this game progresses and seeing more dialog interactions with peeps, as well as if there's more dynamic character growth/change scenes than the repeated dialog when leveling up and consuming enemies.

(1 edit) (+2)

Ah, nice idea for fleeing and dynamic scenes. There are currently dynamic scenes for demon sexy scenes.